1Abc Directory Smart Office - The Future of the Workplace?

Smart Office - The Future of the Workplace?

Smart Office - Collab Cubicles Coworking Space in Bangalore.

The latest workplace and related to technology not only promotes flexibility and productivity but also cuts costs and attracts talented employees.

It sounds good? This is a smart office; Workplace design that places smart technology at the forefront.

Collab Cubicles

After 20 years of technology convergence, alongside the rapid growth of the internet, 2022 sees a new era. This era is, by definition, smarter and faster; with just the swipe of a fingertip, we now have everything. Why shouldn’t the workplace be the same? According to a study by Indian Land in partnership with Collab Cubicles, 90% of decision-makers already see a business reason for utilizing a smart office.

The smart office brings together two main elements: advanced facilities management systems, and the Internet of Things (IoT), to make office experiences no different by using smartphones to manage your life. Both of these components create a unified and functional workspace, where the benefits accumulate in traditional offices:-


When technology enables an employee to create a flexible working environment, there is more scope for innovation. Being able to tailor your working day to your preferences, like booking a different coworking space for the day, or controlling the environment around you, undoubtedly has a positive effect.


Interesting and maintaining talent can often be a challenge, but the personalization and flexibility of smart offices can help the situation. At the Amsterdam Deloitte office, nicknamed The Edge, employees manage every aspect of their office experience through special applications. Since introducing this, Deloitte has seen four-fold increases in job applications and a 60% reduction which is an impressive absence.


Workplace wellbeing is big business in India, with around 156 billion lost a year due to poor employee health. Smart offices help promote a healthy environment – being able to monitor and adjust lighting, air or water quality is a simple yet effective route to avoiding disease.


Efficiency is paramount to cost, and a smart office allows for maximum efficiency in all areas. Examples include ensuring space is used most effectively, with real-time results from sensors, or keeping watch on heating or cooling systems that may waste energy. Collab Cubicles Coworking Space in Bangalore have utilized smart office functionality and reduced air conditioning costs, with screens that allow natural light, yet block direct exposure to the sun.


Managing a heating and cooling system that experts not only save money. Sustainability in modern workplaces is important, with an emphasis that develops on measuring the use of energy through meters and smart sensors. A smart office can do all this with a touch of a button, ensuring an energy-efficient workplace.

As Indian Land states, the smart office should be a journey, rather than a destination. With technology constantly evolving, the first wave of smart offices will begin to take shape over the next 12 months, with major strides expected to be made by 2022.

Embrace workplaces that support technology will increase flexibility and productivity, cut costs, and help you keep talented employees.

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+91 960 628 3132 | www.collabcubicles.com

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